
CTHM partnership with Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong provides opportunities for international hotel internship

The College of Tourism and Hospitality Management starts the academic year with internationalization as they underscore student experience on a global landscape.  They sent off 32 students on a five-month internship at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Hong Kong. The internships began on August 5, 2024, and will end on December 20, 2024.

The student group, together with CTHM academic staff Mr. Wyett White T. Lee and Ms. Katherine Camille Nagal, together with the Hospitality Management Department Chairperson, Dr. Fhamela F. Sarmiento and CTHM Dean, Atty. Gezzez Giezi G. Granado, arrived in Hong Kong with their first stop at the Philippine Consulate where they met with Consul General Atty. Germinia V. Aguilar-Usudan, a Thomasian alumna, as well as two other CTHM graduates currently employed at the consulate.

As part of the students’ internship experience, they were introduced to Ritz-Carlton’s renowned service culture having the chance to work in different departments and experience management styles from diverse supervisors and managers.

As the biggest delegation of interns leaving the University for international internship since the pandemic, the partnership between CTHM and The Ritz-Carlton is a promising endeavor for future Thomasian Tourism and Hospitality Professionals.

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